Connection and upload speed is critical for a smooth uninterrupted live-stream. Therefore before live-streaming with MVPCAST it is recommended to test Internet upload speed for your recording device. 

There are 2 ways to test your upload speed: 

1) Using MVPCAST's Network Test 

  • After creating an event to live-stream, click on the event and select "Network Test"
  • MVPCAST should then test your upload speed and recommend using our unique proprietary algorithms the best resolution for your live-stream
  • In order to ensure a high quality live-stream, it is recommended to switch to the "Recommended Broadcast Resolution" (you can also access these settings by clicking the profile icon and scrolling down to "Video Resolution") 
  • ALL DONE, you are ready to live-stream!

2) Using an external application or website 

  • there are various apps that you can install on your recording device to test your network upload speed 
  • or you can also look up a network upload speed test on the internet (such as


  • Check Internet upload speed multiple times at the event location
  • If possible choose the designated camera device with the best upload bandwidth  
  • Test various devices on different mobile carriers, as some carriers have better connection speed depending on the location